Thursday, June 30, 2011

Exercise CAN Save Your Life!

We've all felt discouragement & have been emotionally drained at times throughout our lives.  It comes in many different forms and at various intensity levels depending on what triggered the emotional reaction. 

For many people, the response is to retreat and hide from our family, our friends, our careers and our lives.  The pressure can overwhelming, crushing and dibilitating.   What's interesting is that the more you pull back from your life and avoid responsibility, social interaction and any physical & mental stimulation, you run the very high risk of falling deeper into depression which may take much longer to recover. 

Consider this the next time you begin to feel the nagging & negative feelings start to creep into your psyche.....get out and exercise.  You'll immediately feel better about yourself, your situation and regain a clear head to make smart & logical decisions on how to overcome the obstacles you're facing.

Watch the short video below & think of it the next time you start to feel down.

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