Monday, July 1, 2013

FOOD RULES (an eater's manual) by Michael Pollan

Today was our last day of our "64 DAYS OF FOOD RULES" campaign.  We hope that you have a new and healthier relationship with food now.  Operation Boot Camp Los Angeles selected this particular book as the focus of our "food relationship" series due to the content, easy-to-follow chapters, and the easy-to-understand/implement information.

This is a great book and one that we suggest be part of your personal lobrary.  Continue practicing these very basic, yet common sense rules and you will continue your healthy journey feeling better & looking great! 

For more information, please visit  This book may be found online or at a local Whole Foods store.

OBC Food Rules Day 64: Break the rules once in a while

Obsessing over food rules is bad for your happiness, and probably for your health too.  Our experience over the past few decades suggests that dieting and worrying too much about nutrition has made us no healthier or slimmer; cultivating a relaxed attitude toward food is important.  There will be special occasions where you will want to throw these rules out the window.  All will not be lost (especially if you don't throw out rule 60).  What matters is not the special occasion but the everyday practice-the default habits that govern your eating on a typical day.  "all things in moderation," it is often said, but we should never forget the wise addendum, sometimes attributed to Oscar Wilde: "Including moderation."