Monday, June 18, 2012

OBC Food Blog Day 62: Plant a vegetable garden if you have the space, a window box if you don't

What does growing some of your food have to do with repairing your relationship to food and eating?  Everything.  To take part in the intricate and endlessly interesting processes of providing for your sustenance is the surest way to escape the culture of fast food and the values implicit in it: that food should be fast, cheap and easy; that food is a product of industry, not nature; that food is fuel rather than a form  of communion with other people, and also as a species-with nature.  On a more practical level, you will eat what your garden yields, which will be the freshest, most nutritious produce obtainable; you will get exercise growing it (and get outdoors and away from screens); you will save money (according to the National Gardening Association, a seventy-dollar investment in a vegetable garden will yield six hundred dollars worth of food); and you will be that much more likely to follow the next, all-important rule.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Free Workouts Scheduled

Operation Boot Camp Los Angeles will host (3) free workouts the last week of June.

These workouts are scheduled for:
   * Tuesday, June 26th
   * Thursday, June 28th
   * Friday, June 29th

We will meet at 5:45 am each day and begin promptly at 6 am.   We meet in the parking lot next to the Fairfax Branch Library near the Farmers Market / The Grove at 161 Gardner Ave, Los Angeles, CA.

No mats or equipment neccessary.  We provide everything.

For questions, please email  

For more information on Operation Boot Camp, please visit:
OBC LA Facebook
OBC LA Twitter Page

Sunday, June 10, 2012

5 Tips to Tune up your Willpower

Your weight: Success for life
5 tips to tune up your willpower

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By Arleen Fitzgerald, L.I.C.S.W., and Melanie Polk, M.M.Sc., R.D., F.A.D.A.
(Click for author bios in About us)

If you've ever eaten ice cream while standing at the freezer — or hit the snooze alarm instead of getting up to work out — you might have thought, I have no willpower!

You have it — we all do. But, sometimes it can seem difficult to find — or appear to have abandoned us completely.

There's hope, though. You can learn how to boost — and better tap into — this inner strength to help you meet your weight-control goals.


Monday, June 4, 2012

OBC Food Blog Day 49: Consult your gut

Most of us allow external, and usually visual, cues to determine how much we eat.  The larger the portion, for example, the more we eat; the bigger the container, the more we pour.  As in so many areas of modern life, the culture of food has become a culture of the eye.  But when it comes to food, it pays to cultivate the other senses, which often provide more useful and accurate information.  It can take twenty minutes before your brain gets the word that your belly is full; that means that if you take less than twenty minutes to finish a meal, the sensation of satiety will arrive too late to be of any use.   So slow down and pay attention to what your body-and not just your sight-is telling you.  This is what your grandparents were getting at with the adage "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

OBC Food Blog-Day 48: Eat when you are hungry, not when you are bored

For many of us, eating has surprisingly little to do with hunger.  We eat out of boredom, for entertainment, to comfort or reward ourselves.  Try to be aware of why you're eating, and ask yourself if you're really hungry-before you eat and then again along the way.  (One old wives' test:  If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you're not hungry.)  Food is a costly antidepressant.