Monday, March 7, 2011

How the Journey Started...

It’s kind of funny to me now how I never wanted to live in Los Angeles.  Yet here I am, living here and loving every minute of it.  It makes it even better that I can introduce a proven, successful and life changing program into so many peoples’ lives in LA.   Over 10,000 people have made long-term positive changes to their lives with this program, including me. 

My OBC journey started 50 lbs & 4 years ago.  After reaching my “rock bottom”, I made a commitment to change my life and get healthy.  I couldn’t even tie my shoes without sitting down, taking a deep breath and pulling myself down to my shoes.  Eventually, I lost the weight and no longer needed daily medication for high blood pressure and a lower back herniated disc.  I regained my confidence in all areas of my life, both professionally and personally.  I had more energy and found myself making better life decisions. 

Joining OBC was like a drug for me.  You feel really good about doing something great for yourself, especially when you see the great results.  I became an instructor and immediately became hooked on the “high” I got from helping others change their lives.  There are few opportunities in most people’s lives where they can have a daily, positive impact on helping someone change their life.  This was my opportunity to help make a real difference in other's lives and I became a Team Lead (manager of an entire group of usually 40 campers & up to 15 instructors).  

After a few years, the opportunity to move to the west coast presented itself and I fought it all the way.   That is, until a friend made the comment that if I moved here I could open a franchise in Los Angeles.   That was all I needed.  Almost a year later, Operation Boot Camp Los Angeles has 2 locations/time slots operating, with more to come…..

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