Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You Have to See This!!

Every once in awhile people forward great videos to me.  This one is the best so far!  If you've taken an Air New Zealand flight in last few weeks, you know what I mean when I say...HILARIOUS!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bitter / Sweet

We're gearing up for the PT Test the end of next week.  While it's been a fantastic camp, we're really kind of sad to see it end.  It's bitter/sweet for us as instructors.  "Bitter" in the fact that we grow attached to our campers each month.  We've sweat & had "Kick in the Grass" workouts together.  We've laughed together as we've worked out in the rain.  We've push through our soreness together.  We've learned to care about & the long-term success of each person together.  We're a team and it's kind of sad to see it end. 

On the other hand, it is "Sweet" since the end of camp also brings the final PT test.  As instructors, it's what we look forward to the most.  When all of the hard work, the early morning or after-work workouts, and consistent log book entries come together for one last team workout.  It's pretty cool to see how surprised each person is that they have obliterated their initial PT test just 4 weeks earlier.  It really goes to show that with a little effort each day, you can move mountains & do things you never thought you could do before.

We've seen some pretty amazing results from only 1 month of Operation Boot Camp.  Troy lost 16 lbs.  Gina lost 2" in her waist the first month (total of 5" now).  Jorge can now wear Ashley's workout pants! 

It's exciting and amazing how OBC works.  But the real improvements come from back-to-back camps since you build on the month before.  As this camp nears the end, we're hoping that we don't have to say goodbye to our new found friends, but can continue the experiences we share together with another camp! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

True Fitness Leaders!

So this week we have (3) new instructors that have passed their certification exam and are fully-certified Operation Boot Camp North America instructors in the Los Angeles area.  There are (2) more that will be completing their New Instructor process with the certification exam shortly to join to team.

What I find exciting about this is each of these people have a unique talent, experience, background, ability, determination and commitment to improving their own lives, but more importantly have that desire to help others live long, healthy and productive lifestyles.  I've watched each of these people interact with other campers.  Without consciously trying, they have inspired others to go outside their comfort zone and really reach high for their fitness goals.   They care and are there to support each and every person as they make daily improvements toward a better life.   My hat is off to all (5) of these remarkable people. 

Most people think that to be an effective fitness leader, you have to have 6-pack abs, can run a sub-7 minute mile, and have rippling muscles that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger shake in his shoes.  Not only is this untrue, it is damaging to those who find starting an exercise program an overwhelming challenge.  The sign of a true fitness leader is one who can inspire, motivate, educate, and support everyone, regardless of their current fitness level to improve their long-term health program.   I am very happy and proud of the instructor team we have in Los Angeles.  I give my thanks to this team, for they exemplify the highest of OBC standards and provide the support & strength that our campers need to improve their lives one day at a time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

No More "I Can't"

Here’s a little blog activity for you:  How many times, in the past month, have you thought or said to yourself….”I can’t do it”.   Almost 100% of the time when we say it, it’s just a knee-jerk reaction to whatever is going on at that particular time.   What I find really interesting about this, is that over 90% of the time we say it to ourselves, we eventually end up doing whatever it is anyway.  
I can’t tell you how many times people in my camp have told me they can’t do a push up, sit up, or there is no way they will ever be able to run a mile.  The truth is they’ve never tried it before since they have always told themselves that they “can’t do it”.  This week I’ve heard a few “I can’t” statements only to watch them buckle down & do what they thought they couldn’t do.   The best part, when this happens, is when they realize they have been telling themselves  how they can’t do this or that their entire life and now they have their epiphany that they in fact can do it.  We’re starting week 2 of the March camp tomorrow.  I’m hoping that everyone has passed the “I can’t” stage & enter the “I can” or “I will” stage.    If they only believed in themselves as much as we believe in them…..

Friday, March 11, 2011

Some Pretty Amazing People

Among the plethora of benefits you get from participating in the Operation Boot Camp program, is the opportunity to meet some pretty spectacular people.   There are days where I think I’m pretty spectacular, but these people are way beyond my “spectacular-ness”.  Where one may have conquered unbelievable odds to get where they are today, another may have changed their life to the point where people who see them everyday introduce themselves, believing it’s the first time they’ve ever met.   I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several outstanding people like this and will occasionally share their stories.   If you feel as inspired and motivated by their stories as I have, you’ll be a changed person.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How the Journey Started...

It’s kind of funny to me now how I never wanted to live in Los Angeles.  Yet here I am, living here and loving every minute of it.  It makes it even better that I can introduce a proven, successful and life changing program into so many peoples’ lives in LA.   Over 10,000 people have made long-term positive changes to their lives with this program, including me. 

My OBC journey started 50 lbs & 4 years ago.  After reaching my “rock bottom”, I made a commitment to change my life and get healthy.  I couldn’t even tie my shoes without sitting down, taking a deep breath and pulling myself down to my shoes.  Eventually, I lost the weight and no longer needed daily medication for high blood pressure and a lower back herniated disc.  I regained my confidence in all areas of my life, both professionally and personally.  I had more energy and found myself making better life decisions. 

Joining OBC was like a drug for me.  You feel really good about doing something great for yourself, especially when you see the great results.  I became an instructor and immediately became hooked on the “high” I got from helping others change their lives.  There are few opportunities in most people’s lives where they can have a daily, positive impact on helping someone change their life.  This was my opportunity to help make a real difference in other's lives and I became a Team Lead (manager of an entire group of usually 40 campers & up to 15 instructors).  

After a few years, the opportunity to move to the west coast presented itself and I fought it all the way.   That is, until a friend made the comment that if I moved here I could open a franchise in Los Angeles.   That was all I needed.  Almost a year later, Operation Boot Camp Los Angeles has 2 locations/time slots operating, with more to come…..